شماره تماس: 66174087 - 66174127 (021)

هر روز ساعت 10 الی 17


English Language Teaching in The Islamic Republic of Iran

اشتراک گذاری:

English Language Teaching in The Islamic Republic of Iran

دسترسی: موجود

کد محصول: 10080 دسته بندی ها , موضوعات: ,

قیمت محصول:


تضمین قیمت محصولات

مناسب ترین تخفیف و قیمت

امکان مرجوع کردن سفارش

درصورت وجود مشکل چاپی

تضمین کیفیت و اصالت

فروش مستقیم از نشر

ارسال سریع سفارشات

با پست پیشتاز

کتاب English Language Teaching in The Islamic Republic of Iran

معرفی کتاب English Language Teaching in The Islamic Republic of Iran

I have interpreted the design on this volume’s front cover as an abstract
representation of a mosaic. Such a design is appropriate and relevant since the
purpose of this collection is to provide a mosaic, although inevitably incomplete,
of English language teaching (ELT) developments in Iran, in order to give readers
a picture of the variety of impressive professional activity in that nation. I hope
this volume’s content will provide a state-of-the-art baseline of interest and use
to those outside Iran, and will encourage others working inside Iran to continue
to explore local connections between ELT theory and practice. I hope too it will
remind readers that their concerns, at first sight seemingly specific to their own
local context, may have much in common with other situations, and that the global
.ELT profession shares unexpected similarities

وزن 250 گرم


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نوع صحافی

چسب گرم

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British Council


Chris Kennedy

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